Thursday, March 18, 2010

Winter Camp 2010

The high school youth group went to Camp Arrah Wanna again this year. It was a lot of fun. The best part? This year, rather than being the only girls cabin withOUT a bathroom, we were the ONLY girls cabin to get one! Oh yes! We were quite excited! No traipsing around the camp at night looking for animals while trying to remember which way to go to find the bathroom! :) We went tubing (very painful experience!), ice skating, and just spent a lot of time together-strengthening our walks with the Lord. It was, truly, a very rewarding trip!

Me and Jim...he's so handsome!


Sydney, Victoria, Sarah P., Sarah D.

Sydney, Sarah, Victoria

Sarah P., Victoria, Sarah D., Sydney

I can't wait for next year's winter camp!

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