Since marrying my wonderful man, we have moved away from all of our family {and then close to some later on}. I started this blog in order to keep friends and family updated with "us." It quickly turned into something far more. I started getting down about my blog because no one was reading it. I decided rather than staying down I would just start blogging about whatever I felt like, rather than just the usual updates. It just so happened that I do a lot {a LOT} of not so bright things. They just happen. I say or do things that I don't intend to be funny {trust me, I can't even be funny when I try}, but they always turn out making people laugh and embarrassing me a bit. I decided to start writing them down and sharing them with the two people who were reading my blog.
this is the "norm" for us for pics...its as real as it gets!
And now, here I am! I can't believe my blog has grown so much since it first started. Now I share my experiences about being a scuba diver who hates the ocean, the high school girls I work with at our church, life with my hubby, and my attempts at being "crafty." I love "meeting" fantastic bloggers that I get inspiration from and reading comment from all of you!
Thank you so much {really!} for taking the time to check out my blog. I love hearing feedback so don't be shy!