Sunday, August 22, 2010

Misc Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

My girlfriend, Jackie, is BACK! I am so excited!!! Some of you might remember that she left for Texas several months ago to be closer to her hubby while he went through his schooling with the military. She is back now!! I have missed having her around. I don't think I realized just how many things we did together or how often we spoke. This is a good day. :)

Wedded Bliss
Last night was the end of our wedding marathon. Well, two weddings in two, more of a sprint really. Regardless, we are finished...and I have pictures of the second dress for you. :) You'll just have to wait until tomorrow. :)

So, the hubs and our friend dove at the aquarium this weekend. He has told me that I HAVE to dive with him next year (its a once a year event). He had a blast and I have the pictures to prove it! :)

Everyone needs at least a little post about shoes! I have decided that I am angry with my knees and that when you dress up without wearing heels, its like you aren't really dressed up. Sigh. So, knees, please start cooperating with me. I miss wearing tall, beautiful shoes!!

Ugh. Migraines are the bane of my existence. I currently have one as I write this and to sweeten the deal I think my allergies are going bonkers. I guess this means no matter how much I pretend that its still the middle of summer, it must be getting close to fall. Sunshine, I will miss you.

Also, I am "on the fence", so please vote for my by clicking  the "I'm on the fence" button! :) Thanks so much! :)
