Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mr. & Mrs.

So, this is the second dress for the second wedding. Since I have now dislocated both knees within the last 6 months and the most recent time was only a week or two ago, heels are out of the question. Rather than wear heels (although, I have to admit that I tried and my husband freaked out, which is why I am wearing these) I opted for my fun sparkly sandals! :) What do you think of the dress and the ensemble?

This is my favorite pic of the night...sad that my phone took better pictures than my camera! lol

It was a beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple. The ceremony was outdoors and the weather cooperated (which is amazing for Oregon). They are so adorable and so perfect for each other. We are so happy for them. 
I love going to weddings with my hubby. It always reminds me of when we got married and how much I love him more now than I did before. Its funny because I never thought that possible. Plus, he cleans up real nice. What can I say? I think my hubby is a hottie! :)

Also, I am "on the fence", so please vote for my by clicking  the "I'm on the fence" button! :) Thanks so much! :)
Tuesday Tag-Along