Thursday, March 03, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

I keep meaning to join in on this blog hop of pure awesomeness, but never felt like I had anything worth writing about and, therefore, basically intimidated myself enough that I just end up reading all of the posts and never make one myself. I still don't think I have any worth posting, but I am giving it a go anyways. Wish me luck! :)


~A guy coming into the convenience store and standing next to you, rather than behind you in line. Then he turns to you and says, "Hi. Those are nice colors for winter clothes. They look good." All the while I'm thinking, "of course they are," but what I actually say is, "thanks." Then he proceeded to stand too close to me. I kept wishing the cashier would hurry it up because the dude was in my bubble of "personal" space. The transaction finally  finished and I told the cashier goodbye and the man {standing too close for my comfort} told me goodbye and something else that I didn't quite hear, but it wasn't "ma'am" or "miss." I didn't turn around. I just kept walking {briskly} to the safety of my car. Creepy older men. Eww!

~Thinking your nephew is coming to give you a hug, when in reality, he is walking towards his "timeout" spot. 

~Seeing someone at church wave at you, but they look too happy to be waving at you, so you turn around to see who it is they are actually waving at, only to find out that they really were waving to you.

~Driving home in the snow and passing your street {3 times} before finally making it home. Its totally true.

~Saturday night Jackie and I were both husband-less. Since we were both still going to be at church, I was going to sit with her. She needed to sit in the back in case she was needed during service and so she was going to save me a seat {I was running "late" per usual}. I got there and didn't see her. I was standing in the back searching for her, smiling as people were passing me, rocking back and forth and doing that whole "I'm waiting for someone" looking around bit,  but couldn't find her. I was looking for a brunette...Jackie hasn't been a brunette for a year. I still don't know who I was looking for, but I know I never would have found them.


~Waking up to my hubby holding my hand. He's so sweet. I just love him!

~One of my hubby's student's parents {confused yet?} thinking that we weren't old enough to be married yet. :)

~New books { if you have any...I need some!} :)

~All the amazing looking movies coming out this month

~Getting my Paris vacation time off approved {whew!}

~America's Next Top Model starting back up {don't be a hater}


~Getting a "new to us" couch! We are getting ready for our move! :)

~Oranges...what can I say? I'm addicted to their vitamin 'C' yummy-ness! did I do for my first try at Awkward and Awesome Thursday? And seriously, if you have never visited The Daybook...I am very sad for you. Really. Her blog is, umm, awesome!! :) Truly, its one of my favorite blogs to read!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway! :)