Have you ever been so inspired by a blog post that you actually did something?! Well, after reading this post by Mom2MemphisAndRuby, I was inspired and told my friend, Jackie, that we had to get on it! :)
I don't know about you, but I love Zooey Deschanel. I think she is gorgeous and incredibly talented. After reading the blog post about her I just knew! I knew it was time to change my hair color...yes, again! lol :)
I have never dyed my hair dark before. I have this thing with blonde hair {haha! Who knew??}, but really like to dye my hair different shades of red. So, this would be really different for me. After seeing the cute pic with the pigtails, I thought, "hey! I think I can pull this off!" My only concern was the color being too harsh against my skin. She has fair skin and similar color of eyes that I do, so I figured I should be safe. :)
Here's how it turned out:
Mine still has red in it, but I think it turned out pretty well. Its still weird looking in the mirror and seeing my hair as dark as it is, but I really like it.
What do you think?

My lovely friend, Jill, over at Made it on Monday, made it to the final 15 for Shabby Apple's {love them!} Dare to Design contest! Congrats to Jill!! :) She needs your help though! If you would so kindly go HERE and vote for her dress {hers is #3} that would be awesome! :) She is amazingly talented and I would love for her to win! Isn't this dress so pretty?!
Thanks for your help!! :)