Monday, February 01, 2010


I love the bloggerverse. Its fun checking out new blogs and making new friends. One thing that I have come to love are the giveaways. I have entered a ton of them, but because there are so many people who also seem to love giveaways (I mean really, who doesn't like free cool stuff?!) I don't win. I pretty much thought it would never happened, but I was okay with it because I still have fun regardless...until today.
I subscribe to my favorites and have them sent to my Google reader (one of my favorite things about Google so far). I was checking my reader around lunch time...and almost screamed (I tend to gasp really loud rather than scream ;) )!
I had entered a giveaway on a cool music blog that features new artists every week that I found thanks to a wonderful blog full of fashion!! I saw that there was a new post and it was announcing who one the giveaway! :) This is what I won:

Isn't it pretty?!

Well, it doesn't stop there. Not only did I win once, but I won TWICE! Again, on the fashion blog that I follow I found the blog of the person who made this beautiful necklace and she was having a giveaway as well! From her blog I won:

Aren't they lovely? I have to say I was elated to win not one, but two different giveaways! Made my day. Be sure to check out the blogs that I linked. They are pretty neat! :)


Mary (Mary's Musicology) said...

I think this is when you go buy a lottery ticket :) Congrats!!

Scuba Wife Life said...

lol I think I might just have to!! :)